Examples of reeler in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web This is the theater where San Franciscans long gone went to see two-reelers , discovered Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford an later, Clark Gable and Bette Davis. A reeler is a mouse mutant, so named because of its characteristic reeling gait. The mutation is autosomal and recessive, and prevents the typical cerebellar folia from forming. A device, such as a cylinder, spool, or frame, that turns on an axis and is used for winding and storing rope, tape, film, or other flexible materials.
A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line. An adjustable friction clutch is incorporated to prevent overruns in dereeling operations. Discover Peelers on Amazon.
Free Shipping on Prime eligible orders. It can fish anywhere that any other fishing pole can. How to use reeler in a sentence. Primarily heard in Ireland. I was resolved to leave work early that day, but then the boss called a last-minute meeting, the printer stopped working, and I got put on hold with a client for half an hour.
Reeler definition is - one that reels. USA pronunciation n. Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy a machine for burnishing the exterior and interior of seamless tubing. About REELER Robots are the next ICT-related technology on the horizon ready to radically alter human societies. It is a major societal concern that up to jobs may be replaced by robots over the next years. Shop for Extension Cord Reels at Walmart.
A hose reel can be helpful in collecting and storing your water hose. Here a few different types of hose reels so you can decide which is the best one for your needs. When swung, three to five fishing lines are deployed at once instead of one.
In addition to this, it can be used to fish in Lava. Get Reel Easy Hose Reel delivered to your door in as little as hours. We shop and deliver, you enjoy. CWS Industries specializes in mining cable reeler systems and mining cable repair stations.
The mining cable reeler systems can be wheel dozer mounte wheel loader mounte trailer mounted and underground loaders. Homeowners, do-it-yourselfers and handymen, with the Wonder Winder Extension Cord Winder from GreenLeaf, Inc. The plugin can be used as a simple vibrato on a mono signal path, add space to mono-to-stereo signals with moderate parameter settings, or create lurching chaos by turning the knobs up. Harlem to Hollywood! The reeler is an autosomal recessive mouse mutant, in which cortical neurons are generated normally but are abnormally place resulting in disorganization of cortical laminar layers in the CNS.

The reason is the lack of Reelin, an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, which during the corticogenesis is secreted mainly by the Cajal-Retzius cells. An autosomal - recessive mouse mutant in which cortical neurons are generated normally but abnormally place a lack of reelin causing disorganization of cortical laminar layers. Created with anglers in mind. Cable Reel Trailers. Sort By: View: Read More.
RR-1Single Reel Carrier (10lb. cap.) Max Reel Diameter. What does reeler mean? The I-8 our most popular model, is great for handling those larger, heavier demands.

The “I” series has been popular with those who need the capability to transport larger innerduct reels. The classical observations emphasized that laminar structures of the reeler brain are highly disrupted. Weaver Enclosed Bridge Gallery.
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