Our fiber glass duct board offers a high-performance alternative to traditional sheet metal ducts. It provides a number of performance benefits to HVAC contractors, as well as residential and commercial building occupants. JM duct board dampens unwanted noise and promotes consistent temperatures for less wasted energy. Common characteristics include: Dimensions of 4′ x 8′, 4′ x 10′, and 8′ x 10′ Thicknesses of 1″, 1. Wrap exterior ductwork in fiberglass duct insulation from Grainger to help provide a vapor barrier and improve temperature control in HVAC systems that operate below ambient temperatures.
Duct insulation wrap comes with a vapor barrier and a stapling tab. Johns Manville Spin-Glas 8rigid fiberglass insulation boards are used as thermal insulation for heating ducts and equipment. What is the best insulation for ducts?
Can you build ducts from rigid foam board? How to insulate ductwork? Owens Corning QuietR Duct Board is a rigi resin bonded fibrous glass board that may be used to fabricate components for indoor commercial and residential duct systems. Ive looked at lowes and home depot for some fiberglass duct board so that I can build some splitters up in the attic. I cant find the stuff anywhere not to mention they dont have the collar I need.
Prepare for your next resealing or installation job by shopping for quality installation products and accessories, including foam board , plastic sheeting, insulation board , spray-in insulation and more. There are also a variety of batt insulation R-values available to you, so you can choose the thickness of your insulation. Free 2-day Shipping On Millions of Items. Rigid fiberglass insulation boards are ideal for application on commercial and industrial heating, air conditioning, power and process equipment. Fiberboard duct board , made of fiberglass is one of the main types of duct board used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning applications.
Fiberboard is cut into 4-by-foot lengths of fiberglass , which are called sheets. The sheets are then routed to the proper size. A duct board is a common form of heating and air conditioning insulation made out of fiberglass and a thin layer of foil. Among its many benefits include its lightweight construction and durability. Rigid rectangular fiberglass duct work is visible as the return air plenum in the right of the first photo above.
This rigid fiberglass board insulation is available plain or faced in a variety of densities for use on systems that operate up to 450°F (232°C). For faced products, surface temperature should not exceed 150°F (66°C). Fiberglass Duct Board : rigid rectangular fiberglass duct work. Fiberboard air ducts are constructed with boards of compressed resin bonded inorganic glass fibers.
They have a foil face on the outside that serves as the air barrier and water vapor retarder. The interior of fiberboard air duct is sealed to prevent fiberglass fibers from entering the air stream. Shop Over Million Pro duct s at Zoro. Designed for fabrication into supply and return air duct work for both residential and commercial heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems. CertainTeed duct board products can be fabricated into square, rectangular or multisided sections.

Below are a few of the subcategories for these HVAC Insulation materials: Board Insulation: All of the materials that are necessary for insulating HVAC ductwork with insulation board including the fiberglass or mineralwool duct board , pins and fasteners, aluminum cladding, and tapes. Older residential duct board installations should be inspected and do have a life span. You home inspectors should take a look at this. Standard duct board comes in sheets that are typically inches (1cm) wide by inches (2cm) long.
On one side of the sheet is a thick layer of fiberglass insulation. On the other is a thin foil backing which serves as the outside of the duct. Duct Sealing and Airflow Management systems that exceed industry standards and are engineered to ensure fast, consistent, and accurate installation. Our products and solutions deliver maximum efficiency, unparalleled quality, and unmatched savings, and to ensure these goals are met, we provide thorough training and field support.
And a good duct -man can probably run hard duct as quickly as the guy using duct - board. If the duct - board has to be fabricated on the job, that is.
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