What is select grade wood? Knots in this grade of wood are not restricted regarding quality. Standard grade lumber is used for light framing projects. Utility Grade Lumber. It is used only for light framing projects.
There are few restrictions on defects, when compared to the other grades. Grades are not determined by gut reactions to what a person thinks the grade should be, but actual measurements of clear sections and definitions for defects. Hardwood Grades Grading designation depends on the number of defects in a board. A lower grade can be perfectly acceptable, depending on placement and usage. Hardwoods are graded by the National Hardwood Lumber Association.
Softwood lumber grading can be based solely upon structural integrity or upon a combination of structural integrity and appearance. So the general rule of thumb for lumber grades is this: the lower the number, the more strength and better appearance. Wood is usually priced 0a board-foot basis, though some specialized stock like moldings is sold by the linear foot.

Plywood is made of thin layers (“plies”) of wood that are glued. Design values are not assigned) High quality with good appearance characteristics. Industrial 45: Graded as per No. Generally sound and tight-knotted. Unfortunately, this does not mean that all suppliers grade wood the same way we do.